Wednesday, January 24, 2007

More knitting!

First and foremost....

A delicious purple mohair by Brooks Farm Yarns (thank you Lynn!!!) in the Cozy pattern from Knitty. I'm going to pick up around it and add a border as soon as I can figure out what I want...

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Next...a better pic of the Llama and wool sweater:

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...and a Pastanza (same llama / wool yarn) felted cloche.

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There is a pair of alpaca fetching gloves somewhere in the house...but they've run off with my Folk Shawls book, apparently. I think they've gone to live in Canada because they're disgusted with the presidential candidates. Just my theory, though. I'll get pics if they decide to come back home :)

Here is a sweater that I did for myself years's out of Vogue Magazine and also in some alpaca blend yarn. I love the crazy cables.

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A ridiculously cute pair of socks that one of my students brought me :)

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And finally...Piffles the Elf!
Beckie Bullard knit him for me and we named him after a book that Dr. Dave is writing right now...

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Real Knitting Blog?

No, that isn't what this is...a real knitting blog has updates and details on patterns and yarns and all sorts of other stuff. I'll see what I can do, but no promises!

Here comes a barrage of photos...I've been busy. There are more things to photograph, too. Let's get started :)

Here's my girl Sophie, looking absolutely adorable in her little fair isle sweater
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I think the pattern was Dogs in Knits, though I've seent the same pattern advertised on Knitpicks. Yarn was one partial skein of cascade 220 and lots of scraps. I think most of it is Paterna Wool (disc), Lamb's Pride Worsted (by Brown Sheep) and the soy-wool blend from SWS Trading Company who's name is currently escaping me.

Next up! Two of the fifteen million scarves that I made for people for Christmas. More pics of the rest coming, I promise.

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This one is a soy-wool blend by Patons. I'm not usually a Patons fan, but this yarn was perfect for this. Pattern is here. By Urban Tribal Wear

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A short row scarf from Lamb's Pride Bulky. The pattern is another freebie by Karen Baumer.


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These were actually in my mother in law's stocking last year, but I forgot to photograph them. Pattern is my own. Yarn is Lamb's Pride Worsted.

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Barefoot Sock Yarn by Mountian Colors. Basic sock pattern with a little twisted stitch added can't really see it, but I had fun knitting it! I love these socks...they're so warm and comfy!!

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The twisted stitch that you can't really see...


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This was our present this year to my wonderful Mother in law. The yarn is Cotton Fleece by Brown Sheep Company. I'll have to look up the pattern, but I highly recommend it!

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And finally....a quickie sweater for me!

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This was fast and easy, though I did have to take it apart and add some shaping to the body. The pattern is out of Yarn Girl's Guide to Beyond the Basics. The yarn is Cascade Pastanza (Llama and Wool - I LOVE this yarn!) and Mountian Colors held together to get the really, really big gauge. Please excuse the terrible photo!

More later....