Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Sweater for Sohpie

I have been knitting...I swear!

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also working on finishing a pair of kilt hose for Dad, a double knit jacket (which will take FOREVER) and a couple of Christmas presents :)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


That picture of Kathy just seems to be sideways no matter what I do....sorry!


First from knitting....then from Life in General. And it was great! I spent a week at the John C. Campbell Folk School taking a class in Double Knitting. Here are some of the people, some of the pics, and some of the projects!

The class:

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Our final table!

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Jaqui (the teacher) and Anita (the troublemaker...who we loved!)

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Happily knitting away...we couldn't talk. It was too easy to make mistakes!

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Jean working quietly

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Kathy showing her project!

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There are plenty more pictures, but it may take me a while to put them all together...